
I watch
the crushing
I cry out
As I stretch
feeble hand
to help,
it is bitten
by a viper;
the very
same seed
that I
carried in
my womb.

Alice Parris

2 responses »

  1. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I know that this poem is twisted, but true, I might add. As parents, we all get, “the one.” We learn boundless patience and humility by having a child that stands as a mirror before us. I do not post daily, but sometimes when I am at the computer, I will stumble upon a poem that is just as true today, as it was when it was written. I have not felt the poetic muse in awhile. I have been blogging-something very concrete, after writing the lyrics for a blues album. I have to just go back to the beginning, and allow right-brain images to flow uncurtailed by an earth-bound reality. I will stop by and visit your site soon.
    Blessings 7 peace,
    Alice Parris

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